Friday, June 11, 2010

What Hath Farmer H Wrought?

The goat pen is bigger now, thanks to $160 worth of fence.

For some reason, I don't feel much like entertaining tonight.


Cazzie!!! said...

I am pleased the goat feeder is upgraded :)
Take care HBM, you know you will have tumultuous bouts of energy and non energy days... you are still healing :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

On Sunday, Farmer H is taking 7 roosters to the auction, along with 3 goats and 2 rabbits. Don't worry, we still have 6 roosters and 7 goats left, along with 10 hens and 9 chicks.

You are right about the energy. It comes and goes. That must be my little piece of remaining thyroid flexing its muscle. Your compassion is almost enough to melt my cold, cold heart.